AP4C-P detectors for naval operations against CBRN threats
CBRN Solutions for Navy Ships

Proengin offers a range of chemical and biological detectors suitable to meet the harsh conditions of oceanic environment (salt spray, humidity, vibration, temperature, etc.).
High humidity levels are often challenging for many detection technologies. One advantage of flame spectroscopy is that it is able to work in environments where the humidity level changes or is very high. Our detectors provide updates as fast as every two seconds, which of critical importance when the boat is moving and in a dynamic environment.
Monitoring of conditions in a marine environment is important whether is a military naval ship on a mission, a firefighting boat on an emergency call, or involved with interdiction/monitoring of suspicious activity. In all of these applications, it is important to understand the exterior environment and any potential threat that it represents, to provide command leadership with important information needed to make the best decisions, and ultimately to protect the crew from potentially harmful environments.
The CBRN threats is not going away anytime soon in naval warfare.
In this context, the French Government Defense procurement and technology agency (DGA) has certified the AP4C-P detector for naval operations. Belonging to the AP4C family, this next generation detector can detect chemical warfare agents and toxic industrial materials at the highest level of sensitivity.
Moreover, the combined chemical-biological version of the AP4C-P is able to extend the range of detection to biological agents such as toxins, bacteria and viruses. Successor of the ADLIF detector, this new system is designed to be mounted on defense and intervention frigates programs and has also been deployed on of first responder vessels around the world.

In addition, Proengin AP4C-V and AP4C-F detectors are presently in use in other marine applications around the world.
These applications include patrol vessels and firefighting boats, some of which require 24/7 persistent operations and others that just require on demand monitoring and quick startup times. If you have a certain application, please contact us so that we can recommend the proper detector for the need and application.
Coupled with the visualization and control module, the Proengin solutions can easily be integrated to the onboard combat system of the ship via an open communication protocol.
They can also be installed just about anywhere on a ship and allow complete, easy and permanent monitoring of chemical and / or biological detection.